Aaron Tidwell - Portfolio

steam-web library

Node.js API client for the Steam Web API.

  • node.js
node-challonge library

Node.js API client for the challonge API.

  • node.js
dgeni static generator library

Dgeni package for generating static sites from markdown.

dgeni static generator
  • node.js
  • dgeni
fwk library

Yeoman scaffolding tool for module-based node.js projects.

  • node.js
  • yeoman
  • mongodb
Faeria Decks application

Faeria deckbuilder and card designer.

Faeria Decks
  • node.js
  • angular.js
  • angular-material
  • mongodb
hearthstone.gg content site

Hearthstone content.

  • node.js
  • dgeni
  • grunt
HSTRNY application

Automated 8-man Hearthstone tournaments.

  • node.js
  • socket.io
  • angular.js
  • mongodb
Scrolls Toolbox application

Scrolls collection tracking MOD and application.

Scrolls Toolbox
  • node.js
  • socket.io
  • angular.js
  • mongodb
Yak Bot application

Discord Bot for the official Faeria Discord Server.

Yak Bot
  • node.js
  • mongodb
  • discord.js
js IP Service library / application

Service and library for grabbing a user's ip address from the client.

js IP Service
  • node.js
  • jQuery
jQuery Event Counter library

jQuery plugin for counting events

jQuery Event Counter
  • jQuery
NYCRHPS content site

NYC Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast website.

  • php
  • jQuery
  • mysql
Scrolls Academy content site

Scrolls articles.

Scrolls Academy
  • php
  • jQuery
  • bootstrap
  • postgres
Scrolls Prices application

Scrolls pricecheck app.

Scrolls Prices
  • angular.js
  • bootstrap
Hearthstone Game Tracker application

Microservice-based game tracker. Desktop app and several services.

Hearthstone Game Tracker
  • node.js
  • socket.io
  • angular.js
  • mongodb
  • node webkit